Retirement Accounts Division in Divorce - What You Need to Know
Divorce can be a difficult and trying time, and it can be especially difficult when it comes to dividing assets....
Property Transfers and Title Changes: Divorce Asset Division Explained
Divorce is a difficult and emotionally-charged process, and it can be difficult to navigate the complex process of...
Separate Property vs. Marital Property: Everything You Need to Know
When a married couple decides to go their separate ways, the question of who gets what can be a difficult one. It's...
Understanding the Tax Implications of Asset Division in Divorce
As the end of a marriage can be an emotional and difficult time, navigating the complexities of asset division can be a...
Income Disparity between Spouses or Partners
When it comes to dividing assets in a divorce, income disparity between spouses or partners is an important factor to...
Understanding Contempt Proceedings for Noncompliance with Court Orders
When a court issues an order, the expectation is that it will be followed. If a party fails to comply with the court's...
Real Property Division: A Comprehensive Overview
Division of real property is often one of the most difficult and complex aspects of a divorce. When couples decide to go...
Understanding the Length of a Marriage or Domestic Partnership
When it comes to dividing assets in a divorce, the length of a marriage or domestic partnership can be a major factor....
Understanding Personal Property Division in Divorce
When it comes to dividing assets during a divorce, it can be a difficult and emotional process. Knowing what is...
Comparing Community Property States and Equitable Distribution States
When going through a divorce, it's important to understand the different laws that apply to the division of assets....